Luke Webb, MFL, training year 2021-22
Modern foreign languages


The GITEP programme has all the training, and on the job experience, you need to make you ready to work as a teacher. In simple terms, I have no doubts that GITEP has set me up to be a successful teacher. The GITEP programme blends education theory and the learning of concepts with real life classroom teaching to great effect. All this is done with a local education at the forefront of everything, from guest speakers to training schools.

 Why was school based training the right route to train? 

I came into the programme as a business professional looking to change career. I was looking for a change from the day to day grind of the business world, and had really enjoyed volunteer work I had done in schools during the pandemic. A SCITT like GITEP was the obvious choice for me.

The focus is on getting as much school experience as possible. GITEP prioritise school time for all trainees and I believe the benefits are clear. Once you have had a solid base level of training, nothing makes you learn better and faster than being in the classroom itself. The standard of schools in Gloucestershire is also very high. I have greatly enjoyed both my parent and twin schools which I was allocated to and taught at.

The training year is a whirlwind. It goes fast because you are busy. I wouldn’t advise anyone sign up for the programme unless you know you can throw yourself in 100%. I have not regretted going through GITEP at all. I am proud of what I have achieved and can look back with great pleasure at the year gone by. I also made some really good friends.

Luke Webb, MFL teacher

What is most exciting about teaching?  

The cliché is “every day is different”. It’s one I agree with however! The students are what makes it so different. The corporate world had felt stale and I had lost my motivation. Teaching has given me proper purpose and enjoyment. Teaching new topics is exciting to me, especially being able to use my degree and language skills which I never got to do in the corporate world.

What is great about MFL? 

Speaking languages opens up so many doors in life, from travel and work to film and literature. If the idea of using languages you know, everyday, sounds like a fantastic opportunity then get involved. I have loved being an expert in my field and seeing the progression of students under my tutelage. MFL can also be different, in a wonderful way, to many other subjects. It allows students to learn from a level playing field and express themselves in ways they can’t in some other subjects.

Tags: Career change, Modern Foreign Languages, Teacher training